House of Goths Reviews!

House of Goth 2Reader Reviews:
5.0 out of 5 stars
Its a lovely story with some great personalities, although sometimes you just want to bash …
23 May 2016

• Oh Maria, you’ve done it again with your lovely Goth boys!

Young Becky starts college dreaming of new friends and companionship, but finds that it can be a lonely place when you don’t quite ‘fit in’ with the other girls in the dorm. Needing to find a place to stay she takes a chance when she sees an advert advertising a room in a shared ‘Goth’ house, as one of the other sharers is the only person that has shown her any kindness, the gorgeous but rather unusual Kell. I wont spoil the rest by giving away too much more – you’ll just have to read it yourself to find out, but its safe to say that if you have read any of Maria’s other Goth stories, you will obviously adore it, and if you are new to the ‘Goth guys’, then please give them a try!

Its a lovely story with some great personalities, although sometimes you just want to bash their heads together for being so stubborn (read it and you’ll know what I mean!) and Maria has once again managed to weave a thread underneath the main story about how being a bit different is actually ok, and people should not judge others by how they look. The only negative thing I have to say is that i’ll have to wait to find out what happens to my new favourite ‘Goth guy’! – Maria, thanks again for a wonderful story, but please don’t keep us waiting TOO long for the next one. !!


5.0 out of 5 stars
Love these guys!!
May 24, 2016

• I have enjoyed every book that Maria writes. She is articulate and smart. Her Goth rockers have a bad boy thing going on, but yet, they have almost Victorian manners. Kell is no exception, he and Becky have literally run into each other and she needs a room to rent. Kell has an empty room since his bandmate left. All college students, the four of them from a type of family and Becky falls ever more in love with the moody Kelley. Crispin even falls under sweet Becky’s spell. The story is catchy, the characters are likeable. Another stellar read from a brilliant author. Cannot wait for more.


5.0 out of 5 stars
Another Great Book from Maria Bernard
May 23, 2016
• House of Goths was my introductory book to Maria Bernard’s work. I came upon this story through Wattpad after having seen a post about it on Facebook.

I was captivated by the premise and it wasn’t long before I was engrossed in the storyline. I was drawn in by the very first chapter, and was highly intrigued by the characters.

Kell won my heart almost from the beginning. He came across as such a sweetheart and I honestly couldn’t ask for more. Although I found myself frustrated with his constant need to push Becky away in spite of his growing feelings for her, he continued to wrestle with his own demons throughout. Eventually, his love for the aspiring artist won out.

Becky was an easy character to identify and relate with. In her desperate need to find a place where she could fit in, she ends up at the House of Goths. And although I won’t fill my review with spoilers, I will say that her judgement sometimes wasn’t the best—insert here her failed attempt at a relationship with Jax for all the wrong reasons. I mean, we’ve all had those stupid moments where we think one wrong will fix another so I can’t come down on her too hard for that. But sometime I wish I could go inside the book and talk some sense into the girl.

Thankfully, she soon sees the errors of her ways and in comes one of the sweetest, most romantic couples I’ve read about. Kell and Becky are a perfect match, no doubt about that. He really cares for her and isn’t shy about letting the world know how he feels. I love this about him.

Throughout Becky’s naivety, she manages to squeeze her way into the heart of the most complicated, complex, and downright irritating male characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Crispin was, without a doubt, utterly frustrating. I grappled with mix feelings throughout the book. First I hated him. Then I sort of liked him. Then I disliked him a little bit more. Halfway through I was kind of rooting for him, thinking he might have a chance with Becky and hoping they’d have a relationship. Of course, that wasn’t my choice to make, but hey, a girl can dream.

I fell for Crispin though. I’ll admit to that. He warmed his way to my heart. I think I might name him my first official book boyfriend. He changed in a way, without altering who he was too much if that makes sense. Definitely would love a book with him, and I sincerely hope he finds what he’s looking for.

Overall, House of Goths was an entertaining read, the characters easy to love, the storyline well put together without the need to complicate things to make the romance blossom, and the friendships grow.


5.0 out of 5 stars
May 25 2016
• Where do i start? I totally loved this story. Maria has woven a unique romance filled with such colorful and lovable characters. At the start of the story we meet 3 very goth men living as housemates … Kell, Dorian, and Crispin. We also meet Becky, a lonely college girl on her own for the first time. Fate brings Becky and Kell together in an art class. When she sees Kell post an ad for a fourth roomer, Becky shows up at their house to apply. Little do they know this would change their lives forever!

Maria really knows how to tell a good story and between this and her series about a goth band of guys who fall in love, I have a new appreciation for goths and their differences. At the end of the day, we all have the same hopes and dreams. Different is not always bad!


5.0 out of 5 stars
June 23, 2016
• Loved this book!!! It was quirky and had very lovable characters. Story flowed along and gave insight into the minor characters living in the house. All in all an excellent read!


4.0 out of 5 stars
July 3, 2016
• Sweet story about friendship,acceptance and love even if you dare to be different. While I enjoyed the love story between Kell & Becky, Crispin nearly stole this story. Very much looking forward to his turn.


4.5 out of 5 stars
Good “Goth” you gotta read this!
By RelentlessBookChic on July 1, 2016
• This is the first book by Author Maria Bernard that I have read, it is also the first time I have read about Goth/Steampunk characters and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn’t sure if I was going to relate or even get into the characters at first but the teaser the author shared in a group caught my attention and I decided to give the book I try. So glad that I did, it was a 4.5 Star read for me and I fell in love with each of those Goth boys!!

The House of Goths is the old Victorian home of 3 college students and bandmates; Kell, Crispin and Dorian. This house and their band is the solace they need to forget that everyone sees them as “freaks”. That is until they come home one day to find a mundane girl fast asleep on their porch surrounded by her belongings. They all wondered what would bring such a girl to their front door; perhaps she was seeking the same thing.

College life has not been easy for Becky, from arriving on campus late to having nothing in common with her dorm mates. She has always been a bit of an introvert but she thought that the “college experience” would open her up more and friendships would come easily. So far she has only found kindness in the least likely of a person but when she flees her dormitory in search of a room to rent she hopes that kindness will extend to her desperate situation.

This story is about more than a romance between two people, it is about a love that extends beyond that of a romantic aspect. We see these roommates fall in love and into an easy friendship with one another. It doesn’t start so easily for all of them, actually one of them fights tooth and nail against feeling even the slightest ounce of kinship with Becky. As all of the friendships grow and Becky and Kell tip toe around a romantic relationship, we get to know each of the roommates a little deeper and I fell in love with each and every one of them. Dorian with his playfulness, Kell who was always so serious and deep; and Crispin my favorite of them all, with his hopelessness and regal personality, will capture your heart and have you completely invested in this story.

HoG was very well written, even as a third person POV it was easy to follow and flowed very well. In doing so the author gave us glimpses into each of these characters and allowed us to get to know them all and see the situation through their eyes. I am not sure that I would have so easily fallen in love with them if it was written in first person or alternate POV’s between the H and the h. Becky at times was infuriating and naïve but that is what makes the times she found her voice and strength worth the celebration. Overall, it was a fascinating story, it easily captured me from the first few pages and it had all the feels. I would definitely recommend giving it a try even if it seems it is not for you.

Relentless Book Chics Approved & Recommended
