Interview With Darien River


Maria B: Welcome, Darien! I’m so excited to do this with you. You were a pleasure to write. I’m gushing, I know but as an author, you are one of my personal favourites for many reasons. I love all my characters but some have a very special place in my heart and you are one of them.

Darien: Sweet thing to say, Maria. Wow, you’re making me blush (as impossible as that may sound coming from a Goth like me). But hey, it’s been known to happen. Especially around the ladies 😉

Maria B: Now, I hope you are ready to answer a few questions. Hopefully our readers won’t be too shy around a heartbreaker like you.

Darien: Blushes… Ha, heartbreaker, perhaps I was once not so long a go. But as we both know, now, I am very much at the mercy of a sweet little lady that we both know and love…


Stan: So, you’re a musician? That explains the long hair. What instrument do you play?

Darien: Electric guitar.

Stan: I might have guessed. A metal band? You know, I’ve met many a rockstar in my business.

Darien: Actually, we’re a Goth band. But, unfortunately, it’s not really an income driven business, so far anyway. I do it for the love of it.