• Maria Bernard Musings

    Grab it before its gone!

    Guess what? Rumour has it, this awesome boxed set will disappear forever come November. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, now’s the time! Grab it before it’s too late! Available in KU, and also in paperback. Amazon Smart URL: http://hyperurl.co/GRivAz Get Rocked! In Vegas : Rockstar Romance Limited Edition Collection – by Jenna Galicki, Jade C. Jamison, Theresa Hissong, Lisa Gillis, Lashell Collins, Jennifer L. Allen, Bella Jeanisse, Maria Bernard, Sadie Grubor, Kacey Hamford, Toni Kenyon, Lindy S Hudis, Gina Kincade. GET ROCKED! In Vegas showcases USA Today, Amazon Bestselling, and Award Winning Rockstar Romance Authors as they take you on a sexy musical journey through Sin City with…

  • Maria Bernard Musings

    Whispers… from the Heart

    New Story just started on Wattpad! Join me on this latest writing experience! Feedback and comments welcome as always. Title: Whispers From The Heart by Maria Bernard © 2017 Genre: Christmas Romance Read it first on Wattpad! Hearts will break, tears will fall, but where there is hope, love conquers all. Recently widowed composer, Lyndon Grace, has only one thing on his mind. Christmas is fast approaching, and he needs to make it as special as possible for his motherless infant daughter. Trouble is, he hasn’t a clue how to go about it. Worse yet, he fears losing his baby girl in an impending battle for custody with his estranged…

  • Maria Bernard Musings

    Summer Blues

    So, hey… I’ve been working a new book for a while. Actually, I started it in January but it got put on the back-burner due to other projects. Then, of course, summer hit and with it, a heaping load of apathy and self-doubt. It’s nothing to worry about. It’s a pattern I’ve come to recognize with myself in regards to the book publishing aspect of writing. You see, as I write, I am inspired and excited to present my story to the world. But the actual reality of publishing can be quite soul-destroying. The moment a book is uploaded, a feeling of helplessness comes into play. Why? Because, I suppose,…

  • Maria Bernard Musings

    The Subject of Fear

      Fear…   Not long ago, I created some teasers from my books around the word fear and as a result, I realized how often it actually comes up in my writing. Should it worry me? Stress me out? No, I find it fascinating.   Fear – it can save your life or it can also paralyze you. Fear is a basic instinct in all of us. To claim you are fearless is to fool yourself into thinking you are braver than you are. When, in truth, bravery is not about living without fear, but to face those fears and handle them the best you can. To voice a concern…

  • Sales & Promotions

    Summer Book Sale!

    Don’t miss this huge Smashwords Summer Book Sale! Grab these three titles for only $1 each!  Available ebook formats:  mobi for #Kindle, epub for #iBooks, #Nook, #Kobo Wherever Girl by Maria Bernard Surf and Sun Rockstar Romance (Stand Alone) • Having nothing left, Sara flies away and lands in the arms of a charming songwriter. ♡✭༻♫༺♡༻♫༺✭♡ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/535158 ____ The Balcony by Maria Bernard Rockstar Romance with a Paranormal Twist. (Stand Alone) • Two matchmaking lost souls endeavour to save a third from throwing it all away. ♡✭༻♫༺♡༻♫༺✭♡ https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/513560 ____ House of Goths by Maria Bernard Not Your Average Fraternity House • Refusing to languish in a dorm, Becky finds a…

  • House of Goths Updates,  Maria Bernard Musings,  New Releases & Coming Soon

    Belonging on PreOrder

    Pre-Order your ebook today! Belonging by Maria Bernard New Adult • College • Rock Star Romance Series Amazon US   CA   UK   AU  iBooks US   CA   UK   AU Smashwords   Kobo   B&N Find your soulmate, find yourself… 🌹💛🌹 Pre-Order Today🌹💛🌹 Tempers flare, and passions ignite when a soul searching getaway gets hijacked! English Literature is Gwen Mathewson’s passion. She lives vicariously through her beloved Victorian novels. She dreams of travelling to England, the source of her obsession and has the whole trip planned on a detailed itinerary kept close at hand. The trouble is, she suffers from extreme anxiety. Gwen wants to chase her dreams but is trapped by her crushing fear of the unknown. When a…

  • Maria Bernard Musings

    HeartBeats – Short Story 2

      Welcome to Sunday Shorts Today’s Story is… Interview With An Angel by Maria Bernard “Ready? Wonderful, let’s do this. But on my terms.” “Terms? But this is my project! Stop being such a bully!” “My way, or the highway, sunshine. Deal with it.” “Fine then, go on! You know what I was going to ask already. You always know everything.” I can’t fight the smile that tugs on my lips at the return of her ire. My charge, my assigned one… she’s a firecracker and I love that about her. Her age at thirteen human years cracks me up. This is my first teenager and I’m thrilled and honoured to…

  • New Releases & Coming Soon

    Belonging by Maria Bernard​

    ♡༻ Release Date: June 27, 2017 ༺♡ When your soul searching getaway gets hijacked… English Literature is Gwen Mathewson’s passion. She lives vicariously through her favourite Victorian novels. She dreams of travelling to England, the source of her obsession and has the whole trip planned on a detailed itinerary kept close at hand. The trouble is, she suffers from extreme anxiety. Gwen wants to chase her dreams but is trapped by her crushing fear of the unknown. When a stunning man resembling her Victorian literary heroes enters the shop where she works, Gwen feels an instant connection. She can’t keep her heart from racing. He, on the other hand, has…

  • Maria Bernard Musings

    HeartBeats – Short Story 1

    Welcome to Sunday Shorts Today’s Story is… Crooked Halos by Maria Bernard “So, where are these so-called friends of yours?” asked Victor, watching me with a quirk of a dark brow, his crooked halo floating above his head. Sitting in his chair, he might as well be on a throne with that arrogance he wore so well. “They should be here soon!” I said with as much conviction as I could muster. At the skepticism staring back at me, my resolve crumbled. He knew without me saying so, that my ‘friends’ weren’t coming, that I was alone, by myself, in my made-up world where I was a star. Foolish me.…